Personal Documentation
Below you will find the personal documentation that is required to apply for financial assistance.
If you fail to provide, or if you provide any other kind of document than what is listed, the process of reviewing your application may be delayed. If this is the case, you will be contacted by email from a member of our Support Team who will ask you for the correct documents.
(scroll down to next section for Income Documentation)
Valid Photo ID
State-Issued, Not Expired
If your Photo ID does not verify your current home address, please also upload a picture of a utility bill OR official letter showing your home address for verification.
Income Documentation
Below you will find a list of acceptable documents to verify your source(s) of household income. Please make sure to pay close attention to what documents are accepted, because each category is specific.
If you provide any other kind of document than what is listed, the process of reviewing your application may be delayed. If this is the case, you will be contacted by email from a member of our Support Team who will ask you for the correct documents.
2 months of current and consecutive pay stubs.
Example: If your pay frequency is bi-weekly (every other week, or twice per month,) you will need to upload the most recent 2 months worth of check stubs with dates that are consecutive.
SSI / Supplemental Security Income
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Housing Assistance
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Social Security
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
Veteran's Benefits
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
Child Support
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Worker's Compensation
Official letter explaining monthly benefits
Rental Income
Official document of Rental Agreement
Bank Statement displaying monthly deposits
Food Stamps/WIC
2022 Explanation of Monthly Benefits Letter
Self-Certification of Self-Employment
2 months of current and consecutive pay stubs
Self-Certification of No Income
Please write a short letter explaining that you currently have no form of income.
Include: the date, your name printed and your signature. This letter can be hand-written OR typed, however your signature needs to be hand-written.